www.abwaworld.org "Slum Kid Can Shine" is a word from Alan Chan from Hong Kong who started a school shop as feeding program in Caso Upendo primary school in Mathare Slum. Nairobi’s Mathare is Kenya’s most densely populated area, with 68,941 persons living within a square kilometre in contrast to the national average of a paltry 82 persons per square kilometre. The low-income settlement, which has a population of 206,564 has had a number of social and health challenges, ranging from cholera outbreaks to gang violence and collapsed buildings attributed to unplanned developments that have denied residents access to essential amenities. Many children drop out of school to look for food and other essential amenities. Less access to clean drinking water lines, and a lack of sewer lines has seen the high-rise buildings emptying their wastewater into Nairobi river Caso Upendo Primary School is one of feeding program beneficiary started by Alan Chan to help many children get free lunch everyday during their school lessons.This has encouraged many parents to enroll their children in Caso Upendo and bring more congestion in that school as well enough food to cater for large number of kids. Action for Better World Association would like to extend the program to other slum schools where many kids in slum can join and continue with their studies for their brighter future.To add more impact to our program we welcome any individual or group to join hands with us for more support to the slum for a kid to achieve theirdream through feeding program. Caso Upendo Feeding Program
Pupils sing during music time
Pupils taking lessons