
Transforming lives through action.

Umiisyu Women Group Makaani

Umiisyu Women Group Makaani

Umisyu Women Group is located in Makueni County. The group has 30 members who involve themselves in farming.It started in the year 2015 due to long drought and the stop of charcoal burning by the government which was the main source of family income. The project will be Women Empowerment through Farming. International and local volunteers will work with the women in their farm as well visiting their homes. Volunteers will have good time to learn local language, eating African food as well learning different cultures. They will also be near to Tsavo National Park which is the second largest national Park in Kenya.

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Jora Women Group

Jora Women Group

Jora Women Group was started in the year 1978. It started as micro finance and basket weaving. Where women were making baskets for sell and contributing money for saving and buy home utensils and paying school fees for their school children. They later expanded it and build accommodation houses mostly aiming for government teachers who deployed to teach in that village. The group has 40 members who are aged. The theme of the project is Empower Women through Micro finance which can help pay their children school fees as well cater their family needs. The volunteers will have time to learn the local culture, eat local food and visit Fort Jesus which was the area slaves were taken to Arab and other Europe countries. The village has the colonial history where hill used as the battle field of British and Germans. It is near the second largest Tsavo national park in Kenya.

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Mathare Youth Group

Mathare Youth Group

We see every challenge as an opportunity, and Mathare is a second largest in East Africa. People live under a dollar a day to survive in the area. prostitution, crime and lack of many amenities are in very high rate in Mathare. Mathare Youth Group started with the aim to change behavior when the government became too strict to the criminals and made the statement of shoot to kill. Many of them have changed and engaged i meaningful activities which is garbage collection, car wash, music production, bead making and many more. Through this time the volunteers will have time to engage to their activities as well visiting the families in their homes and know more of their challenges affecting their families.This initiative will help the local youth and the volunteers to ensure them with better preparation to manage unique situation they find themselves in their lives. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and and delivers the support they need, when they need it.

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